General Kinematics
General Kinematics has been around since 1960. That’s a long time. We got our start in foundries around the Midwest and have grown to service mines, recycling plants and more in far reaching areas of the globe. Our specialty is solving tough process challenges that others can’t. As an engineering company at heart with rich technical application knowledge, our equipment is considered first-class in vibratory technology.

GK Two-Mass Advantage
Less Horsepower, Less Energy, More Throughput.
Two-Mass refers to a style of vibratory equipment where one mass (an exciter) is used to drive a second mass (trough). The exciter mass typically contains a motor and is connected to a trough using a combination of springs. Combining the two masses and the springs, a responsive sub-resonant system is created which responds to changes in load without dampening performance.
© 2021 General Kinematics Corporation